Boost collective intelligence during training sessions

Tactile presentation software for trainers and training centers

Session à distance - Formation

Remote session

Séquence en présentiel - Formation

In person session

Travaux pratique - Formation

Practical work

Reinforce the efficiency of your trainers.

Equip your trainers with a dynamic presentation space to capture attention, encourage interaction and accelerate the learning process.

Enhance your image and expertise.

Create a memorable recollection of the educational experience and highlight your training offer through a modern and impactful digital medium.

Standardise content and teaching practices.

Training materials that are always up-to-date and automatically distributed for better collaboration between your trainers, master trainers and educational engineers.

Real-estate references




Services and industry references 




Security and defence references




Media references




Education references




Témoignage - Universcience   "Nous avons beaucoup de données à transmettre à notre public et nous souhaitions rendre nos exposés plus participatifs."

«We have a lot of data to pass on to our audience, and we wanted to make our presentations more participatory.”

Alexandra Vallaude – Digital culture project manager at Universcience


Utilisation du Compositeur Digital pour les formateurs de Enedis

Educational sequences

“The Compositeur Digital software allows undeniable animation efficiency” Educational engineer

  • Harmonising practices across the 6 national campuses
  • Revitalise, modernise and make the delivery of training more effective


features : multi-document, questions, annotations, web activities, offline synchronisation, web page, online memory, stickers and tools

Collaborative activities

Boost collaboration with fun and creative activities accessible via a simple QR code!


Enhance your presentations with a range of intuitive tools: whiteboard, stickers, and customisable templates.

Univers synchro


With Teams or a shared network space, centralise and share your presentations for instant access, even offline!

Frequently asked questions

Is it the same software for all uses?

The software is available in multiple editions to best suit each use case. Please refer to the pricing page for more information.

Is it easy to get started?

The training process and the interface’s ergonomics make the application quick and easy to use. A tailored half-day onboarding session will provide you with all the keys you need to leverage the solution effectively.

Can I try the software for free?

You can download a free trial version from the install page of our website.

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